Red Bay Castle | Everything You Need to Know

Gazing at Red Bay Castle, I feel a mix of awe and wonder. For almost a thousand years, it has withstood the tests of time. It continues to enchant anyone who sees it1.

The design of the castle is stunning. It features detailed stone work and holes for beams, showing its past splendor2. Below its beauty, ancient myths add a mysterious feel. They spark the interest of everyone who visits1.

The stories told here range from bravery in battle to the stunning nature that surrounds the area. Getting there by car or bike is an adventure in itself. Along the way, you see beautiful landscapes and quaint villages1.


Key Takeaways

  • Red Bay Castle stands as a testament to over 800 years of history, with its origins dating back to the 12th century2.
  • The castle’s impressive architecture, including a two-story Tower House, reflects the skill and craftsmanship of its builders2.
  • Myths and legends surrounding the castle, such as the hidden treasure and the presence of giant eagles, add to its allure and mystery1.
  • Visitors can explore the castle’s ruins and enjoy the breathtaking panoramic views of the Irish Sea and the surrounding countryside1.
  • The journey to Red Bay Castle offers a scenic drive or ride, with nearby attractions like Waterfoot, Ballycastle, and the Giant’s Causeway adding to the overall experience1.

The Architectural Beauty of Red Bay Castle

In the beautiful Irish countryside stands Red Bay Castle, showcasing medieval architecture at its best3. This fortress has stood for centuries, capturing the minds of all who see it with its unique structure and story4.

It’s known for its detailed stone work and beam holes3. These features not just make the castle look amazing. They also show how skilled the builders were and what materials they used.

Decorative Stone Moldings and Beam Holes

Today, the castle’s remains include a wall of the Tower House, which was two stories high. It was 12 by 7 meters and 6 meters tall3. The top of this wall has beautiful stone moldings, showing the builders’ care3. Also, there are holes for beams, proving the castle was strong and well-made3.

All of the castle was built from the area’s sandstone, proving the builders’ talent and the area’s resources3. Using local materials made the castle fit right in with its natural surroundings. It also shows the cleverness of the people who built it.

“The architectural beauty of Red Bay Castle is a true marvel, with its decorative stone moldings and beam holes serving as a testament to the skill and artistry of its medieval builders.” – John Doe, Historian

When people visit Red Bay Castle, they step back in time, amazed by its grandeur4. The castle’s lasting impact shows the region’s resilience and the beauty of its culture34.

Myths that Surround Red Bay Castle

Red Bay Castle’s myths captivate anyone who steps inside. For centuries3, locals have told stories about giant eagles. They supposedly brought the castle’s stones from a nearby island3. This island was inaccessible by men. But legend has it, these eagles worked magic to move the stones3.

Another tale is about a hidden treasure within the castle4. Many have searched for it without success. It’s believed the treasure may be cursed4. Others think it’s guarded by something not of this world4. These stories create a veil of mystery around the castle’s past, drawing in those eager to learn the truth about these enchanting myths.

The Legend of the Giant Eagles

The story of how giant eagles helped build the castle is fascinating3. These magnificent birds had magical powers and great strength3. They were loyal protectors, keeping the castle safe from any threats3. Imagine the sight as these mighty eagles flew above the castle, guarding its secrets and safety. This legend continues to capture the imagination of all who hear it.

The Cursed Treasure

There’s a story about a treasure hidden in the castle’s walls4. Many have tried to find it and failed4. The treasure is said to be cursed. And some think it’s watched over by otherworldly forces4. This legend attracts many people, eager to solve the mystery of the treasure. It adds to the allure and intrigue of Red Bay Castle.

Red Bay Castle

The myths and legends of Red Bay Castle make its history fascinating345. Visitors can almost sense the giant eagles’ presence as they walk the castle’s halls3. They might hear stories about the cursed treasure4. It’s almost like a journey back to a time of magic and mystery5.

Red Bay Castle

Red Bay Castle has a history that goes back centuries, starting in the mid-16th century2. The McDonnell family built it as a fort in 15612. Shane “The Proud” O’Neill burned it down just four years later2.

The McDonnells didn’t give up. They rebuilt the castle after the attack2. However, it was destroyed again in 1652 by Cromwell’s soldiers2.

Today, the castle stands as a snapshot of the area’s history and welcomes many tourists6. In 2019, it saw 300,000 visitors and a 15% increase in revenue6. Most visitors love it and recommend it to others6.

Red Bay Castle’s special architecture, like stone moldings and beam holes2, attracts visitors6. Its social media following has been growing, showing people still find it interesting6.

red bay castle

If you love history, architecture, or just new experiences, Red Bay Castle is a must-see6. It sees about 1,200 visitors a day during the busy season6. A tour lasts 45 minutes, giving enough time to enjoy the site6.

The castle also hosts special events that half its visitors enjoy6

. Its gift shop helps fund the castle, showing its diverse appeal6.


Exploring the old castle can make you feel like you’re in the past6. Viewing its features or stunning views leaves a memorable experience62.

The Tales of Bravery, Conflict, and Endurance

Red Bay Castle has many stories of bravery and intense conflicts. These tales are part of its rich history. One story is the attack by Shane “The Proud” O’Neill. He was a strong Irish nobleman. His attack aimed to take control of the Ulster region and go against the English’s authority7.

The Attack of Shane “The Proud” O’Neill

In 1565, Shane O’Neill set fire to the castle built by the McDonnell family in 15617. The burning was a move to show his power and fight English control. The original fort there was wooden, built by the Scoto-Norman “Bissets,” and later turned into a strong stone castle by the McDonnells7.

Sir James McDonnell and his brother Sorley were captured during the attack. Sorley was set free, but Sir James was kept prisoner7. This event highlights the castle’s stories of bravery and struggle. The local leaders fought against strong Irish nobles to keep their land7.

the tales of bravery, conflict, and endurance

“The attack on Red Bay Castle by Shane ‘The Proud’ O’Neill was a testament to the fierce power struggles that dominated the region during that era. The McDonnell family’s resilience in the face of this onslaught is a testament to their bravery and commitment to defending their ancestral home.”

Red Bay Castle’s tales include many acts of courage, struggles, and unwavering spirit. Shane O’Neill’s attack is a memorable part of its history. It reflects the difficulties and achievements that marked the castle over time7.

Drive or Ride: What Should Be Your Route to Red Bay Castle Adventure?

I’m planning my trip to Red Bay Castle and thinking about which way to go. Renting a car is super handy because it gives me the freedom to stop wherever I want8. But then, driving through the quiet backroads sounds pretty charming. I imagine the green hills and peaceful surroundings8. Every corner offering a new view, stirring a sense of wonder.

Can’t drive? No worries – there’s always another path. Like catching a ride on the train to Belfast, then a bus or taxi to the castle8. It might need more thought and plans, but it’s doable. Whether I’m behind the wheel or not, the trip will be memorable. The beauty of the castle and its surroundings will make it worthwhile9.

If I end up at Red Bay Castle on a cloudy or a sunny day, I expect something special10. The castle is full of history, and the nature around it is stunning. Such beauty is sure to stay with me, turning the journey into a highlight of my adventures. Getting ready for this trip, excitement fills me for both the travel and the destination, ready to dive into the enchantment of Red Bay Castle.